19 Setembro 2024
1 week atrás
Saada: Artilharia saudita atinge aldeias fronteiriças no distrito de Baqim
A Rússia e os países árabes do Golfo são a favor das negociações sobre a criação de um estado palestino, - disse o ministro das Relações Exteriores russo Lavrov
Lançamento da reunião ministerial conjunta dos países do Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo e da Rússia
Ministros das Relações Exteriores da Rússia e da Arábia Saudita se reúnem em Riad
Blinken, in Haiti, claims there is still a chance for Saudi-Israeli normalization during the last few months of the Biden administration if a ceasefire is reached in Gaza
Saudi Foreign Minister discusses regional developments with EU foreign policy chief
2 week atrás
Saudi Foreign Ministry: We warn of the consequences of provocative Israeli statements in undermining the efforts of Egyptian, Qatari and American mediation
2 week atrás
Saudi Foreign Ministry: We condemn the Israeli statements regarding the Philadelphi Corridor and the futile attempts to justify the continued Israeli violations of international laws and norms
2 week atrás
Egyptian Presidency: Sisi and Saudi Crown Prince stressed in a phone call the need to reach an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
3 week atrás
MTV information: A meeting was held hours ago at the Pentagon, bringing together Arab military attachés in Washington, including the Lebanese military attaché at the Lebanese embassy.
Saudi Crown Prince meets Palestinian President to discuss escalation in Gaza and surroundings
Saudi Foreign Minister @FaisalbinFarhan has in a phone call with his Iranian counterpart @araghchi discussed the latest developments in Gaza as well as enhancement of bilateral relations between Tehran and Riyadh, the Saudi Foreign Ministry said
3 week atrás
Zelensky: Negociações em andamento com Arábia Saudita, Catar, Turquia e Suíça sobre a segunda cúpula da paz
Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan arrives in Iraq on an official visit
4 week atrás
In Saada: A citizen was injured by Saudi bullets in Al Thabet, Qataber District
1 mês atrás
In Saada: A citizen was injured by Saudi fire off the Al-Raqou area in the border district of Munabbih
Saudi and US foreign ministers discuss regional developments and efforts to end war on Gaza
1 mês atrás
In Saada: An African migrant was injured by Saudi fire off the Al-Raqo area in the border directorate of Munabbih
1 mês atrás
British Foreign Secretary after meeting his Saudi counterpart: We will work to reduce tension, cease fire in Gaza and release detainees
1 mês atrás
Saudi Foreign Minister discusses developments in Gaza and Sudan with his British counterpart in London
1 mês atrás
Saudi Foreign Ministry: Kingdom warns against continued violations of the historical status of Jerusalem
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In Saada: Saudi drones target Ghor Al-Mashwat area in Ghamr border directorate
Saudi Crown Prince and South African President discuss ways to enhance and develop bilateral relations between the two countries in a number of areas
1 mês atrás
Saada: Saudi drones target Al-Ghor area in Ghamr border directorate with missiles
King Salman today issued a royal decree stating that if the king or the heir to the throne cannot attend the weekly cabinet meeting nor any of their deputies, the presidency of the council will be transferred to the oldest member of it - among the sons of the kingdom's founder Ibn Saud
1 mês atrás
Iran's acting Foreign Minister says Tehran has no option but to use its right to defend itself in the face of Israeli violations - statement
1 mês atrás
Iran's acting foreign minister says assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh wouldn't have taken place without U.S. support - statement
1 mês atrás
In Saada: Saudi artillery shelling targets the Al-Sheikh and Ayyash areas in the Munabbih border district
A source for Sky News Arabia: Jordan informed the United States, Israel and Iran that it will not allow its airspace to be used by any party
.@kaisos1987 reports: Saudi Arabia tells Iran it would not let it violate the kingdom’s sovereignty and use its airspace to attack Israel: "We are defending ourselves - not Israel"