19 Septembre 2024
Le ministre saoudien des Affaires étrangères reçoit un appel téléphonique de son homologue américain et discute de la situation à Gaza et au Soudan
1 mois il y a
L'armée yéménite : Abattre un drone de la milice Houthi sur le front de Baqim, au nord de Saada
L'Arabie Saoudite exhorte ses citoyens à quitter immédiatement le Liban
1 mois il y a
Ministère saoudien des Affaires étrangères : Nous soutenons les efforts de l'envoyé de l'ONU au Yémen visant à instaurer la paix et la sécurité pour le Yémen et son peuple
1 mois il y a
La Turquie restitue les 5 milliards de dollars qu'elle a pris à l'Arabie saoudite pour les coffres de sa banque centrale en 2023 après une accumulation rapide de ses réserves ces derniers mois, annonce la banque
1 mois il y a
Les États-Unis ont invité mardi l'armée soudanaise et les forces de soutien rapide à des pourparlers de cessez-le-feu organisés par l'Arabie saoudite et la Suisse. Les pourparlers seraient négociés par les États-Unis et débuteraient le 14 août en Suisse si les deux parties acceptaient l'invitation.
1 mois il y a
Saudi Foreign Ministry: We are following with concern the developments of the military escalation in Yemen
2 mois il y a
Saudi Foreign Ministry: Israeli "hostile" practices towards Islamic holy sites prevent any progress to stop bloodshed and achieve peace
2 mois il y a
The Kremlin: Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince strongly praised the friendly relations between Russia and Saudi Arabia
2 mois il y a
Saudi Foreign Ministry: We condemn the targeting of the UNRWA Al-Razi School in the Nuseirat camp in Gaza
2 mois il y a
The Kremlin: Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince stressed the importance of continuing cooperation within the framework of the OPEC alliance to ensure the stability of the energy market
The Saudi Crown Prince and the French President reviewed by telephone bilateral relations and existing cooperation between the two countries
2 mois il y a
In Saada: A citizen was killed by Saudi fire in the Al-Sheikh area of the Munabbih border district
Iraqi pro-Iran militias threaten Saudi Arabia, alleging assistance to Israel
2 mois il y a
Saudi Arabia condemns and denounces the terrorist attack in the Somali capital, Mogadishu
Saudi Foreign Minister: The Palestinian people are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe in light of Israel's obstruction of the entry of aid
2 mois il y a
The Turkish Foreign Minister in a press conference with his Saudi counterpart: The Netanyahu government is not interested in a ceasefire in Gaza
The Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister discussed with the Russian ambassador the regional and international developments
Saudi Foreign Minister: The war in Gaza confirms the need for a solution to the conflict
Saudi Foreign Minister: The Kingdom demanded a ceasefire in Gaza
2 mois il y a
Saudi Foreign Ministry: We condemn and denounce Israel's bombing of an UNRWA school
Saudi Foreign Minister: We are concerned about the danger of the war expanding in Lebanon, and we do not see any political horizon
The Saudi Foreign Minister discusses with his Spanish counterpart developments in Gaza
The Saudi Foreign Minister discussed regional developments by telephone with his U.S. counterpart
2 mois il y a
In Saada: A citizen was injured by Saudi fire in the Al-Sheikh area in the Munabbih border district
Saudi Foreign Minister: Aid must be allowed to reach the Gaza Strip immediately
Saudi Foreign Minister: We appreciate the Security Council's decision to stop the war in the Gaza Strip
The Saudi Minister of Energy announces new discoveries of oil and natural gas in the Eastern Province and the Empty Quarter
2 mois il y a
In Saada: A citizen was killed by Saudi fire in the Munabbih border district
Houthis say negligence of Saudi government caused hundreds of Hajj pilgrims to die